I woke up with a spring in my step

Today is the eleventh day of the eleventh month in the year two thousand twenty-three of the Gregorian Calendar. I’ve always had a fascination with numbers, especially when they have repeating patterns.

11-11 is sometimes referred to as an angel’s number. Some people attribute spiritual significance to these repeating numeral 1’s. For me, 11:11 has always been the time of the day when I reflect on the special people in my life.

Today’s 11/11 has special significance for me. From today forward, 11/11 will mark the day when my best friend becomes my wife!

Hannah and I met 9 years ago on Labor Day weekend. She was already a world traveler when we met and I quickly discovered that she loves to visit Hawaii. When I think of Hawaii, a few things immediately come to mind; shave ice, pineapples, and the word Aloha!

With a quick Google search, I discovered that Aloha means living in harmony with the people and land around you with mercy, sympathy, grace, and kindness. When greeting another person with the word aloha, there is mutual regard and affection. This extends with warmth in caring for the other with no obligation to receive anything in return.

Hannah has always been so generous to the people around her. She gives selflessly! Over the (almost) decade I have known her, I’ve watched her go out of her way to brighten people’s day. Sometimes it’s with a physical gift, or you may be blessed with her love language, coffee. Sometimes it’s her beautiful smile, and if you’re extra lucky, a spontaneous song from her heart.

In the first years of hanging out with Hannah, she called me her favorite human. I was honored to hear that compliment from her. Over the years I’ve discovered that Hannah is my favorite human too!

While sitting at a restaurant, I was doodling on a napkin and writing both of our names in various ways. When I glanced at the napkin I saw the word ALOHA, but quickly realized my eyes were playing tricks on me.

Inspiration struck! I smiled as I rewrote the first 2 letters of both our names and drew a heart in between them. For me, Alβ™‘Ha is the joining of not only our names, but joining ourselves together in harmony with our friends, family, and our community.

Happy 11/11!

